Tag: Syncope

  • Neurology: A Clinician’s Approach (2016)

    Neurology: A Clinician’s Approach (2016)

    The idea behind Neurology: A Clinician’s Approach (2016) … is to group diseases in the way in which they appear clinically…. I recommend it to more advanced rotating third and fourth year medical students, particularly those with a serious interest in internal medicine, neurology or neurosurgery.

  • Book Review: Board Basics 3

    Book Review: Board Basics 3

    Despite some important limitations, this is probably one of the best internal medicine review books in existence. The book is loaded with essential and hard-to-find charts, lists, tips and Board review questions.  For example, on page 289 there is a table devoted to the mimics of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The table provides essential clinical…

  • Syncope: Differential Diagnosis and Workup

    Syncope: Differential Diagnosis and Workup

    Introduction Syncope is an abrupt, transient, spontaneously-resolving loss of consciousness and postural tone caused by a transient drop in cerebral perfusion. It is a descriptive and an interim diagnosis which requires further clarification. The first step Syncope should be distinguished from alternative causes of loss of consciousness and postural tone. Syncope mimics include seizures, concussions, sleep (both normal…

  • What do you mean by “dizzy”?

    By Mark Yoffe MD I can’t be 100% sure. But if anyone knows, it’s probably Martin A. Samuels MD, who is an expert on the  subject and whose excellent publication,  Stop the Spinning: A Simple  Approach to Vertigo and Dizziness (2009) is available online free. Basically, there are four kinds of dizzy (my interpretation): Syncope or near-syncope…