Tag: David Schlossberg

  • 2013: Best Medical Books of All Time

    2013: Best Medical Books of All Time

    Overview Here is my as-of-year-2013 list of the best medical books of all time, books which I consider to be great to spectacular. Anonymous posts are allowed. Please let me know if you have any additional suggestions for inclusion. I would especially like to add to the list books on electrocardiography, sports medicine, oncology and…

  • Book Review: Differential Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases

    Book Review: Differential Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases

    Differential Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases (1996) by David Schlossberg MD is one of those rare let-me-try-to-tell-you-in-350-pages-or-less-everything-I’ve-ever-learned-in-a-lifetime-of-clinical-practice types of medical books. Unlike most microbiology and infectious diseases books, which are organized on the basis of bugs or diseases, Differential Diagnosis is arranged on the basis of specific clinical problems or chief complaints (fever, pneumonitis, diarrhea, rash, arthritis or…