Tag: Aortic dissection

  • The Chief Complaint (2014)

    The Chief Complaint (2014)

    The Chief Complaint (2014) is ideal for junior trainees and advanced medical students who are on an emergency medicine rotation and want to contribute to high acuity patient care without losing their bearing. What’s best, you can download it for free onto your mobile device.

  • Aortic Dissection: When to Suspect it

    Aortic Dissection: When to Suspect it

    Suspect an aortic dissection in patients with chest pain plus any of the following: New neurological problems Anterior spinal artery infarction with loss of motor function and loss of sensation (with preserved position and vibratory senses) Oculosympathetic paresis, or Horner syndrome, with miosis, ptosis, and anhidrosis A painful Horner’s is a dissection until proven otherwise Acute…